Thursday, June 20, 2013

Learning from LGT's Hebrews

1.       Understanding Bible is based upon Bible itself.
Being one of the book that knowing not who the author is, who the audience and the time of the writing and hence the whole context of the epistle, yet the main reason that the epistle was written being so clear from the text itself, is very encouraging. So often we rely of so called ‘scholar’ to tell us all the background, author, occasion of writing, time of writing, etc. so that we can interpret the word of God correctly. But Hebrews is such a book that does away with it. Despite without all those historical background, we may understand the epistle’s core message and thrust in our lives. Praise God for His Word, infallible and inerrant, teaching us and providing us faith and encouragement for pilgrim journey.  

2.       We are in wilderness journey now toward heavenly rest with Jesus there interceding for us.
The understanding of our reality in a wilderness helps us to accept our current hardship in lives. And knowing that this is not the end, but we are in the process of journeying through the wilderness to the Promised Land, the heavenly eternal Sabbath rest, give us hope and direction to move on. This encourages us to look forward, and heaven-ward. What we experience now in lives is temporal, there will be an end. Even more, the Son of most High God, my Lord Jesus Christ, who had been in the flesh and gone through all the suffering and temptation yet without sin, in now sit at the right hand of God praying for me, ready to help me with His grace and mercy. THAT is truly lifting. He commands what He supplies, He supplies what He commands.

3.       Pilgrimage requires endurance, faith, and patience.
The pilgrim process is not easy; a lot of temptations and suffering will be around almost all the time. We are often weary, tired, crying out deep from our heart: “I quit!” But He is there to provide help anytime. My High Priest sympathize me with all His grace. That all these provision will make me able to endure this hard and dry land filled with enemy that will strike at any time. Setting faith heaven-ward, after the initiator and perfector of our faith, on the heavenly eternal rest, provide even greater strength to go through this barren wilderness with patience anticipation of heavenly joy.

Praise God for this wonderful week.

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