Friday, June 13, 2014

Why do we have Dress Code (in MCKL)?!

First attempt: simple but brutal answer
Because this is MCKL (or any other institute or agency or whatever), so MCKL has the authority to make rules for anyone related to it. Since we decided to have dress code, so that is. Period.

Second attempt: more philosophical, sociological answer
Have you ever think of why man (I mean human kind when I use ‘man’, aint not sexist here.) wear clothes? Have you ever think of why we wear formal on first day, your lecturers or college staffs wear formal every day, when you attend some important dinner or ball, you get dressed up (ever think of why we use the word ‘up’ instead of ‘dressed down’?) Why no sane person will ever wear bikini to shopping mall and go for a movie? Why, and how, do we actually define some set of wear as ‘formal’, ‘casual’, ‘informal’, ‘smart casual’ and etc.? What is the standard, or if there is any, for clothing?
So I believe there is a standard, although this standard is, to certain extend, subjective and relative to culture to culture, from a civilization to another. But nevertheless, there IS a standard, the objective absoluteness is that there IS a standard, however that standard is. Hence we have a culture here, a standard here, and we hope that this standard will produce a certain degree of respect of ourselves and people around us.
How does our dress code show respect to you? First, you are precious, and not all people deserve and have the right to see most of the thing, if not all of the thing, that God had fashioned you. I know Malaysia is a hot country, KL is a hot city, and all MCKL-ian are hot, so we always want to wear less (including myself). But we do not simply expose our body parts, especially sensitive part, to others who are not our wives or husband. The people who do that, we usually identify them as insane people as those we see on the street. (no offense, they are poor people and need our pity.)
Second, you want people to look at you at the right place. Yes, I mean the RIGHT place, not the wrong place. Imagine if you are talking to a guy, and he keep looking at your cleave because you wear a bit low, how would you feel? I’m not saying that guy should do that, (I am a guy!) but we are sinner, we are weak, and ladies, we need your help to be a gentlemen!
Thirdly, we hope that keep you all safe as well, both guys and girls. Not just physically, but psychologically and emotionally as well. I have seen enough hurts because of relationship, sexual violence. We know there is a lot out there. I do believe that this clothing will help.
Now I want to end this section with this: some time ago I saw a post on Facebook, some one of my friend, a Christian sister, she shared a picture. In that picture, a young pretty lady hold up a sign board, saying, “Don’t tell us what to wear, tell them not to rape!” When I think of that, I feel very sad, very very sad. I am a man, I know what goes on in man’s mind. I did not rape any woman before physically, but if I am honest with myself, and to you all, I’m not sure how many times I had committed that violence in my mind. Such sinful person I am, no? I would not blame the woman for wearing less, for what the man did is just wrong. Man was created with stronger physique so that we can protect, not to abuse, woman. But who can save us, men, from this lust? Jesus Christ is the only one that saves. He died for all our sins and resurrected three days later to show that He has the power to overcome death, where death is the consequence of sin, hence he also conquer the sting of sin as well. If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old had past, and everything is anew.
But dear ladies, may I say something to you? Let me be honest to you, that if you would wear a little bit different, you will really help me? I know you have your freedom, you have your right to wear whatever you want, you have liberty to choose to cover or expose your body, of which created by God in such a way that is certain to catch a lot of eye balls. But after you hear how weak we men are, will you care and sacrifice a bit of your freedom, that for the sake that we can be better men, that you wear a bit more? Will you help us to be a real man?

Third attempt: biblical answer
Well, i need more time on this. Catch up with me on this another day ;)

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