Friday, June 1, 2012

Me, Lord? Single?

“What do women want today? What do men want? I mean, deep down. What do they really want? If ‘times’ had changed, have human longings changed, too? How about principles? Have Christian principles changed?

I say no to the last three questions, an emphatic no. I am convinced that the human heart long for constancy. In forfeiting the sanctity of sex by casual, nondiscriminatory “making out” and “sleeping around,” we forfeit something we cannot well do without. There is dullness, monotony, sheer boredom in all of life when virginity and purity are no longer protected and prized. By trying to grab fulfillment everywhere, we find it nowhere.” ~ Chapter 1 - Me, Lord? Single?

This is the fourth time, if not third, that I am reading Elisabeth Elliot’s Passion and Purity. It is the second book that I repeat for so much time, the first being the Bible, and it is as fresh as though I’m reading it for the first time, constantly buzzing my brain, pushing me to rethink principles and reflect things happened, and happening, in my life.

What do men want? Or should I say, what do I want? Fulfillment of my sexual desire? A mate who accompany me throughout my life, whether in services for others or going for a movie marathon or a walk in the park? Someone to fill my need, namely “to love”? Or, simply, that I don’t want to be lonely?

Are these I really want deep down in my heart?

It is true that I want to love, to care for someone who is willing to be loved. It is true also that I long for someone, who always by my side walking down the pathway in the park, sharing thoughts and views and happenings in each lives, cuddling in movie and share the most interesting scene of the show, praying together in His servitude. It is definitely true that I have the ‘drive’ inside me to have the most intimate activity one could have with her. I want to love.

But ultimately, what I really want is, to be His man. A man that walk the way He wants me to walk, the way that pleases Him. Hence the dilemma, “What if He wants you to be single?” Can I still love, and have someone to walk me down the streams just talking, and being quiet at times? How about the ‘need of flesh’?

What about principle?

He is my Lord. If He wants me to stay single for the rest of the life, so let it be, for He owns me. He is the provider of needs. He is the best mate and friend of life. It is in Him alone, I shall not be in want. Would He take away the ‘wants’? He may not, but He promised His grace will be sufficient for what I’ll have to face, which are things He wants me to face, in life.

I must confess that those are hard truth, though they are not really that hard as it seems if we set our heart right and focus on Him alone. Yet often time we tends to do things on our own, thinking that we know best what we are doing, or we simply give in because of ignorance of His promises and surrender to our earthly desires. And the consequences, like how EE put it, “… by trying to grab fulfillment everywhere, we got it nowhere.” The real fulfillment only comes from Him. It is only in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Giver of life, peace, and joy, we will have all these wants fulfill, one way or another, but all His way.

God, help me.

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